
"MEN ARE LOST" American Males in a Widespread Identity Crisis (Ft. Scott Galloway, Christine Emba)

A CNN interview concerning disturbing trends in how men in America are conducting their lives, the connection to social isolation, and the general feeling of being “lost.”

Christine Emba and Richard Reeves on the Crisis in American Masculinity

An interview with two prominent experts about what is being called, “The Crisis of American Masculinity.”

Hero’s Journey

The Hero's Journey of Self-Discovery

A review of Joseph Campbell’s concept of “The Hero’s Journey”.  The design of the Threshold Men’s Retreat is informed by the concepts that we are all Heroes in our own lives, and the part to rightly sovereignty in our lives is a classic journey into the unknown, from which we return with a boon to share with everyone around us – ourselves.

The Archive For Research in Archetypal Symbolism

A free archive where you can explore how symbols, icons, images, etc., have represented concepts throughout human history.  The Threshold Men’s Retreat helps men explore the symbols and images they hold deep inside, and find the powerful and healing meaning within them.


Archetypal Images: The Soul’s Language

An overview of “Archetypes” as conceived of my Carl Jung, one of the foremost psychiatrists of the 20th century.  Jung viewed an exploration of “archetypes” and atchety0pal energy as integral to understanding oneself.

King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine (1991)

by Robert Moore & Douglas Gillette

The bestselling, widely heralded, Jungian introduction to the psychological foundation of a mature, authentic, and revitalized masculinity.

Click on the book cover image for an excerpt.